Monday, October 2, 2017

Busy Life

Busy, busy, busy in a tizzy.

It was General Conference this past weekend.  That was nice.  Ellie and I watched all the sessions.  Brigham and Craig watched on Sunday and part of Saturday.  The little boys watched once in a while, in between running in and out through the room.  Ellie fell asleep during the Saturday afternoon session and then talked about how guilty she felt about it.  She says she's going to watch that session again to make up for her sleeping.  Silly girl.  She always tries to do everything right.

On Sunday between sessions we went over to Moms house with the Tolmans and Mom made everyone dinner.  I like that tradition.

Now I'm back to school.  I just finished teaching my two classes.  My masters program officially started yesterday so I'll be starting to work on that.

And I feel like I haven't been devoting enough time to my calling.  We are having a leaders meeting tomorrow so hopefully we can get some activities planned.

Life is busy!

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