Monday, September 25, 2017


Aaargh, everyone is sick.  Everyone but me.  And I feel like it's only a matter of time.  Ellie was the first one to get it.  Snuffly nose, congestion, fever, tired.  She handled it with her characteristic fortitude, pressing on.  She took care of herself.  Craig and I both thought she was too sick to go to church a week ago and we practically had to force her to stay home.

Then Brigham got sick.  He is a little less robust.  He's been dragging around the house for several days now, moaning that he is dying.  He said there was no way he could go to church yesterday, that he was dying.  He did get up and go to school this morning, wearing his sweatpants and poncho.  He says his greeting to everyone today is going to be, "I'm sick.  Go away."

Please please please don't let me get sick.  I'm so busy this week, it's crazy.  School, two meetings for my degree program, visiting teaching, Ellie's cross country meet, Brigham's yearly meeting with the school counselor, ward party....... this week is crazy.  Please don't let me get sick.  

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