Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Family Home Evening Bike Ride

Ever since Mac and Josh learned how to ride a bike this summer, Mac has been begging me to go on a bike ride for Family Home Evening.  I keep putting him off, but I thought that if we are going to do it before winter sets in, it better be soon.  So last night we had our family bike ride.

I was nervous that Mac expected to go hither and yon all over the countryside, but I managed to convince him that a ride down the road to the hot springs and back would be plenty of adventure.

After pumping up a couple of flat tires, we were on our way.  Hayes wasn't with us, of course, and Brigham also refused to come.  He got his wisdom teeth out last Friday, and he's been saying that he can't possibly do anything that requires effort - no church, no school, no family bike ride.  So it was Craig and me and Ellie and Mac and Josh.

We rode down the street and then turned around at the hot springs and made it back.  On the way back, Josh started complaining that his hands were cold.  Mine were too - it was really chilly!  I had to coax him to keep pedaling.  

Finally we all made it home and had Oreos for the treat.

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