Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Hayes's writing essay

Got an email from Hayes today.  This is what it said.  

Today in writing we had to write something and I felt inspired from this morning to write about you.

"My mom loves me. This is really quite an obvious statement and (I hope) everybody else can relate to it as well. However, I never really acknowledged the impact of this statement until very recently. Until several weeks ago I merely internalized my mother's love on a purely superficial level. The love she shows for me and the love I am trying to reciprocate back to her is a force within my life with a huge impact. There have been many times when we disagreed or didn't get along as well as we should, but in the eighteen years that I have lived with her she has been a shining example of selflessness and love. My mom has cared for me with a steadfastness that can be admired by even the best parents. I cannot think of a time when she was ever willing to put her own needs before those of myself and her other kids. I love my mom and I want to make her proud of me, what she has shaped me to be, and what I can do. These words don't really amount to very much, but I hope that they can be one of my ways of honoring my mother, the ultimate example of love she has shown me, and the monumental efforts that she has made for me and my siblings. I love you mom."

Thanks, Hayes

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