Friday, February 10, 2017

Water, Water, Everywhere

The Bear River hasn't come up over it's banks - yet.

Cache Valley is in a state of emergency.  There is flooding everywhere.  We have had record snowfall this winter and it is all melting.  Add to that five days of rain, and you have floods.  

I've always felt so blessed to live down here in the river bottoms.  It's so sheltered and peaceful.  In a state of flooding, though, it doesn't seem like such a blessing.  Every time I cross the bridge and look at the Bear River, I can't believe how swollen it is.  I've never seen it look like this.  

Craig is following the government website that reports the levels of the river and watching it closely.  They update it every fifteen minutes.  I come in the house and there he is, peering at the computer screen.  At first I thought he was just being paranoid, but now I'm nervous too.  There is water EVERYWHERE!!!!  Our farmyard looks like a swamp.  The fields to the east are trying to drain into the river, and the water is coming across the road.  

I feel like we're living on a saturated sponge.

I went to school today to teach my class, eager to escape the worry of flooding for an hour or two.  HA!!!  The melting snow has damaged the school roof and the water is coming in.  They've pulled off the false ceiling and have the fans running.

This is our emergency plan.  If the river comes up over the banks, we will start moving cows, as long as we feel we are still safe.  We will herd them up the highway towards Dayton or else move them in cattle trailers if we can get several.  Jodi Palmer in Dayton recently sold his cows and his dairy is standing empty.  We will bring them there.  And we will go stay with the Tolmans.  That's the plan.


Water coming off the fields across the road

Soggy farmyard

Melting snow is coming under the door into the new barn

Westside High is having water problems of it's own

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