Friday, September 15, 2017

Ellie's Cross Country Meet

On Wednesday, Ellie had a cross country meet.  Our family has not really been into sports that much, especially high school organized sports.  Ellie has been an exception.  Last year she begged me to do cross country and I let her, somewhat doubtfully.  I thought she would give up and quit when it got hard.

But she hasn't!  She goes to All the practices.  She tries really hard to get better.

This week I went to see her run.  The meet was held at home, at Westside.  It was so fun to see her.  I was so proud.  She tries so hard.  She came in 11th of all the schools that were participating.  She was disappointed that she didn't get a medal, but I wasn't disappointed.  I was so proud of her.

And here is also a picture of Brigham serenading the runners with his ukulele.

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