Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Boolean Logic

I learned what Boolean Logic is!  When my nursing textbooks first came, I opened one up and read something about "Boolean Logic".  That was enough for me and I slammed the text shut, completely intimidated.  

Such a weird word to explain a simple concept.  Boolean logic is the way to put terms together in a search by using AND, OR, and NOT.  If I am looking for articles in a database and I want the articles to be about nursing faculty and mentoring, I might search nurs* faculty AND mentor* - which will bring me articles about nursing faculty/nurse faculty and mentor/mentors/mentoring.  Or all of the above.  The AND is a Boolean operator.  It creates a more precise search.  

Fun fact: the word Boolean comes from George Boole, who is considered one of the founders of the field of computer science.  Except he is from the 1800s and I don't know what kind of computers they had in the 1800s.  I thought they were limited to a slide rule.  Or an abacus.  I texted Brigham and he had never heard of him.  Brigham asked if he invented Boolean algebra.  Never heard of it.    

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