Saturday, August 22, 2020

And so it begins.


So you would think that a nurse educator teaching nurse educators would be really careful to create a great course in Canvas.  But I guess not.  I am looking at my two courses I am starting on Monday in my PhD program, and one of them looks a little like a mess.  Plus the syllabus indicates there are a lot of assignments that do not contribute to the final grade but are only graded satisfactory/unsatisfactory.  Not to be one of THOSE students, but does that mean that I don't have to do them?  I don't think I mind being told that I am unsatisfactory, as long as I can still get an A in the course.  

Plus the syllabus says that to pass all courses, you have to get a B!  A B??!!  I thought that SUU Nursing has pretty high standards, and we say that students have to get a C!  What happened to "C's get degrees?"  

I've spend a few hours today doing some of the reading for next week and putting together my first discussion response.  It's a couple pages long, with cited references.  You can't see other students responses until you post your own, which is pretty tricky of the instructor.  I would rather see what all the other students are posting so I can get an idea of what everyone else is doing.  I'm worried that I will do way too much or not enough.  I like to stay in the middle of the pack and let the lions eat the stragglers.  

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