Saturday, August 15, 2020

Lichen It


This morning Craig left early to go ride the Fire Road, a mountain biking race they have here every summer.  I slept until 7 and then got up and went mountain biking up Lichen It, my favorite mountain biking trail around here.  I made it to the top and back down again, but my butt was sure sore by the time I got home.  I don't know how Craig goes riding for hundreds of miles at a time.  

It was quiet and peaceful and nice to ride along with nothing but my thoughts.  I was talking to Janessa a couple weeks ago about how I'm starting this PhD program, working my full-time SUU teaching job, and a part time Applegate home health job all at once.  She said something that got me thinking - "You're going to need some serious hours on the bike."  

Whenever I get busy, it seems like exercise is the first to go, followed by gospel study, then sleep.  I don't want that to happen.  I hope that I can find a balance and fit important things into a busy schedule.   Ellie is a good example to me.  She likes to be busy, and juggles a lot of responsibilities, but always remembers to do what's important.  

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