Tuesday, August 18, 2020

High School Registration


This morning Ellie and I went to register her for her junior year.  How is my little girl already a junior????  I can't think about that.  She is excited because her counselor got her signed up for CNA class first semester.  She had been told last year that she wouldn't be able to take it because she won't be 17 until December.  I got that straightened out by giving her some email addresses of higher-ups at Southwest Tech.  She emailed the nursing director and got permission.  So she is all set. Right now she is thinking that she wants to go into nursing, an idea which I am flagrantly pushing hard.  She would be a great nurse.  

Only two more years with her.  I can't think about that.  But only two more years with her.  I am going to be a basket case when she leaves.  She is so dear and good.  Such a help to me.  The house is going to be so empty when she leaves.  Plus I will be surrounded by males.  Maybe I can go with her to college.  And then to her mission.  That's a good idea!  Plus I think she would really like the companionship!  She won't have to be homesick if her mama goes with her!  Okay, this is a good plan. 

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