Thursday, August 24, 2017

First day of school

First day of school!!!  The LAST first day of school for Brigham.  They are all excited.  Brigham decided he wanted to go out with a bang, so to speak.  He rented a tux for his first day of school.  Don't look at me, I had nothing to do with it.  The ideas that kid gets into his head......

I started my classes two days ago.  Last year I had 9 kids total, 3 in one class and 6 in the other.  This year I've got 19 kids, more than double last year.  I've got 10 kids in my first class and 9 kids in my other.  Things are going well so far.  They seem like a good group of kids.  They're all girls this year.  And Harley Carlisle from next door is in my class.  I hope it's another good year.  I'm a little nervous about keeping control of such a large group.

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