Thursday, September 15, 2016

Field Trip

Last week I had the nice problem of figuring out how to get a few beds from the Franklin County Medical Center to my classroom.  I had contacted the maintenance guy at the hospital about whether he had any old beds that still worked that he would be willing to donate.  All the beds in our classroom were either falling apart or didn't work or both.

I knew that if I had to recruit help to go load up the beds in the back of a truck and drive them to the high school and then unload them, it would take the good part of a day.  So I hit on an idea - why not call it a field trip and have the students push them over?  It's only four blocks from the hospital to the high school!  Let the young, strong, healthy high school students do all the huffing and puffing!

So that's what we did.  It worked like a charm.  I drove them over to the hospital and we located the beds that maintenance had saved for us out in the parking lot.  The students pushed them down the street while I followed in my car to make sure they were safe.  By the time we got back to school, they were all red in the face and sweaty, and I was cool as a cucumber.  I am a genius.

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