Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Brigham's Dance

There was a tri stake dance on Saturday, which I learned about from Hannah.  The last tri stake dance Brigham refused to go to, but I told him this time that I wanted him to go.  I think he's spent entirely too much time on his computer this summer.  He agreed quite cheerfully.  The theme was fifties and he let me dress him up, the nice boy.  He wore Craig's letterman jacket and we rolled his jeans up to show his white socks.  He looked pretty good, if I say so myself.

I went at 11:00 to pick up Brigham and Hannah and found the kids enjoying themselves.  According to Hannah, Brigham was surrounded by a swarm of girls the whole night.  He said that there were some friends there from his play last year and he was glad because he doesn't get to see them very much.

I watched him dance with Rachel and remembered all the good old days when I went to tri stake dances.  Not quite back in the fifties, but almost.

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