Friday, August 7, 2015

The Man of La Mancha

Last night Craig and I left kids and responsibilities, just threw them to the wind, and went on a date.

I like dates.

We went to Texas Roadhouse for dinner and reconfirmed to ourselves when it was over that we don't like Texas Roadhouse for dinner.  My dad had sent me a gift card for my birthday so we thought we'd save a bit of money by using it, but we should have gone somewhere else.  Oh well, free dinner.

Then we we saw The Man of La Mancha at the Utah Festival Opera.  Craig had seen the movie before years ago but I hadn't so I really didn't know much about it.  Michael Ballam was playing the part of Don Quixote.

Oh it was so good.  It's still with me this morning.  I am envious of Don Quixote, walking around slaying his dragons and windmills and not listening when everyone tried to tell him he was crazy.  He was a romantic dreamer.  I would like to be more like that.  I would like to see in my kids, especially my older kids (okay, maybe just Hayes) their potential and not so much their real-life screw ups.  If I could view them and treat them the way they could be and not the way they are, I think it would not only help them but it would help me.  Don Quixote seemed pretty content in his own little hazy, made up world.

And isn't that what love is?  Seeing all the good in a person and focusing on that?  How can I do that more?

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