Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Girls Camp at Moose Springs Lodge

I was camp director for two years, in 2013 and 2014.  I loved it.  I didn't think I would but I did.  I loved the girls.  It was so much fun.  Craig came with me both years and we had such a great time.  Last year was supposed to be my last year because that's how they do it in our ward.  The first year you are assistant camp director, then the next year you are camp director, then you're done.  After last year, though, I called the Young Womens president, Marni Bowles, and asked if I could extend and she said absolutely.

Then in January, I was called as Family History Consultant, as well as still being Sunday School teacher for the 16 and 17 year olds.  I felt like camp would have been a little much so I told Marni I didn't think I would be able to do it.

Apparently the girls in the ward still thought that Craig should come even if his wife wasn't involved. Young Women camp is supposed to have a priesthood leader present at all times and Craig has become the default guy.  He has a reputation for fun and niceness and a love of swedish fish.

This year they had camp up Oxford Loop at Moose Springs Lodge.  They were only having it for one night due to the trek this summer.  I was pretty disparaging of that plan.  That's not camping.  But I asked if I could come up for last night's evening activities.

It was a good time.  Rachel and Aspen and Misti and Dan Sharp taught me a new game, Mouse.  And then we had the most delicious dutch oven potatoes for dinner.  And then we walked aways from the lodge and built a fire and had testimony meeting.

Testimony meeting at girls camp is always good.

And then after I left the girls convinced Craig and Dan to let them paint their toenails.

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