Friday, June 26, 2015

A LOT of healthcare.

I'm tired of typing with just my left hand.  You know that scene in Enders Game where he's typing away on his little futuristic iPad and he's just using one hand?  I keep thinking that I need to get good at it like Ender.  I keep glancing up at the screen to discover that I accidentally hit the caps lock fifteen words ago.

This morning Brigham drove me into Logan for a doctor visit.  I had made an appointment with a new OBGYN a couple months ago, not knowing that I would have it up to HERE with doctors and hospitals the last week of June.  But I figured that it was scheduled and I might as well go.

Everything went well and I like my new doc, Tandy Olsen at the Budge Clinic.  Everything but his name.  I'm just not sure I can take a man seriously whose name is Tandy.  I got my blood drawn (two pokes) and scheduled my very first mammogram - wheeee!

Brigham waited for me in the reception area and on the way out, he asked if everything was okay with my injury.  I informed him that actually, this visit was to make sure everything is still good with my woman parts.

"Oh.  Yeah, I was a bit confused why we were coming to the Women and Newborn Center to check out your collarbone."

Smart kid.

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