Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Wall of Hands


This is my Wall of Hands in my office.  A hand for every student I have taught.  Not my high school students from back when I was at Preston and Westside High Schools, but all the students at Southwest Tech and SUU.  At first I was just doing colors, one color for each semester.  Last semester, though, I let them do their handprint the way that they wanted, and some of them are really creative and beautiful.  I like it.  I like to look at it and remember past students.  It's kind of eye catching too, a lot of people who come into my office remark on it.  Students who come in like to look for their handprint.  I guess it's kind of kindergartenish, but so am I.  

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Day of Rest

 Sunday.  Day of Rest.  Ha.  Okay, I did get to sleep in.  That was nice.  Last night Ellie and I went to Tuacahn to see Brian Regan and we didn't get home until 10:30.  I slept in until past 8, I can't remember the last time I did that.  That felt good.

But the rest of the day, oh my laws.  I tried to log onto the Relief Society zoom meeting but the link wouldn't work so I couldn't do that.  Not my fault.  Then I went to a young women leadership meeting.  Then I went to sacrament meeting.  Then I went to Young Womens at the Browns house next door.  Then I came home and made dinner.  Then I did the dishes (Craig: Why are you doing the dishes?  Me: Because my friend is coming over to help me chart an admit and I want to do it at the table.  Craig:  Oh.)  Now I am typing this blog post and waiting for Mandy to come over and help me finish charting the home health admit I did yesterday.  Then I need to send an email to all the parents of the young women.  Then I want to write in my journal and read some of General Conference because I slept in this morning and skipped my scripture study.  

Actually, I feel like I am doing pretty good.  I have a paper due this Thursday but I've started it.  I have a 15 page paper due in six weeks that I am putting off because it doesn't interest me.  If I would just work on it a couple pages a week it would go much better. That is my usual MO of doing it but it's such a boring paper that I just put it off.  The whole class has been boring.  The Philosophical Underpinnings of Nursing.  Snore.  I have no interest in philosophy.  I keep thinking that these philosophers just needed the gospel and then all their problems would be solved.  

Here is a picture of Ellie while she was on a hike with Craig this week.  

Sunday, October 11, 2020

Cross Country


When Ellie was in sixth grade, I told her that I thought she should do cross country.  I have never been all that good at running but I've always wished that I were.  Plus I think that being involved in team sports is a good way to find a tribe and fit in while you are in middle school and high school.  She, being the dutiful daughter that she is, joined the middle school team.  Those first weeks she would come home and fall asleep for hours.  She was constantly wore out.  She said that she was always the last one and could barely finish the practice run.

But then she started to get better.  She never missed practice.  Never.  She went to all the meets.  She tried and tried and tried and got better and better.  Soon she was running distances that I never dreamed that she would be able to.

Then we moved to Cedar.  One of the first things we asked about at the high school was the cross country team.  It was summer and they were in their pre-season practice routine.  The secretaries at the high school enthusiastically told me that the coach of the girls team was a retired physician who had coached for years and years and was just the best person in the world.  

Ellie was a little nervous to start going to practices.  She didn't know anyone and we had just barely moved.   Craig's cousin Mike Carpenter had a daughter who had just graduated from high school and who had ran on the team.  She offered to go with Ellie to the first couple practices.  

Pretty soon Ellie was bringing friends home from practice.  She made so many friends, really nice friends, through cross country.  She got to be good friends with Rever and Collin in the ward and it helped that they all did cross country together.

She had her regional meet yesterday at Canyon View High School here in Cedar.  She ran her heart out - and barely missed making it to state finals.  She was so disappointed and fell on the ground and cried and cried.  

I wish she could see what I see - all the wonderful things that cross country has brought into her life.  The persistence and determination.  The friends and parties.  The health and vigor.  The ability to push past pain.  

Heather texted and suggested that I take her shopping to get her mind off it.  I headed home from taking Josh to his friends house with the determination to do just that, but Rever was at our house and ended staying the whole afternoon and evening - which I'm sure was better than a shopping trip anyway.

I sure love my girl.  I'm so proud of her.  Someday I'm going to be like her.  

Thursday, October 8, 2020


 Hello.  Tired.  I am tired.  I taught for four hours this morning, from 8 until 12 in Pharmacology.  Then I came home and ate a PBJ and lemon yogurt for lunch.  Then I went back and taught Community Health from 1 until 5.  Then I sped over to Josh's friends house to pick him up.  Then I sped home to try to make my 5:00 meeting with my professor and PhD cohort.  I missed the first 15 minutes because I couldn't get the audio on my phone to work and then when I got home, my laptop kept freezing.  It was driving me insane.  Now I am done.  Except I am waiting for Mandy, the other Applegate nurse, to text and see if she wants me to come over and learn how to chart an admit.  If I have to do that, it's going to take another couple hours.  I am tired.  

I'm working on the literature search for my topic.  I'm thinking that I am going to study the characteristics of effective mentors which help nurses transition to nurse faculty members.  I would type some more about it but I am tired.  

I will post a picture of Ellie sleeping during conference.  She gets tired sometimes too.


Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Boolean Logic

I learned what Boolean Logic is!  When my nursing textbooks first came, I opened one up and read something about "Boolean Logic".  That was enough for me and I slammed the text shut, completely intimidated.  

Such a weird word to explain a simple concept.  Boolean logic is the way to put terms together in a search by using AND, OR, and NOT.  If I am looking for articles in a database and I want the articles to be about nursing faculty and mentoring, I might search nurs* faculty AND mentor* - which will bring me articles about nursing faculty/nurse faculty and mentor/mentors/mentoring.  Or all of the above.  The AND is a Boolean operator.  It creates a more precise search.  

Fun fact: the word Boolean comes from George Boole, who is considered one of the founders of the field of computer science.  Except he is from the 1800s and I don't know what kind of computers they had in the 1800s.  I thought they were limited to a slide rule.  Or an abacus.  I texted Brigham and he had never heard of him.  Brigham asked if he invented Boolean algebra.  Never heard of it.    

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

My topic of interest

Okay so for right now, I have chose my dissertation topic. This does not mean that I won't change my mind in the future, but for right now, here it is: 

 I am interested in researching what the characteristics are of an effective mentor in assisting an individual transitioning from a nurse to a nursing faculty member.  I am personally interested in this due to my own start as a nursing faculty member.  I had trusted mentors to assist me in the difficult conversion, which was more challenging than I had supposed.  This topic is also of interest to the nursing education community due to the current shortage of needed nursing faculty.   

And for your enjoyment, here is a picture of Josh who has captured and impaled three dead fish and is using them to terrorize his family members.  

Scrub shopping with Ellie and a cat in my office


So until last year, whenever anyone asked Ellie what she wanted to be when she grew up, she would say a marine biologist.  Which I found ridiculous because fish are disgusting.  Last year we were at BYU for some reason.  Can't remember why.  I suggested that we sign up for a campus tour, which we did.  We were driven around campus in go carts by these lovely girls who showed us all the neat stuff to be seen.  they gave us choice between seeing the nursing lab or another campus feature, and I was surprised when Ellie said she wanted to see the nursing lab.  I was completely blown away - it didn't look like that when I was in the nursing program there!  How many millions of dollars spent on simulation labs and equipment....I was very impressed and completely jealous as a nurse educator.  

Since that time, Ellie has changed her mind and is thinking about majoring in nursing.  Which, of course, I am secretly completely thrilled about but manage to rein in my excitement and reply offhandedly "Whatever you feel is best, Sweetie....."

This semester she is taking a CNA class at Southwest Technical College, where I used to teach.  CNA students usually have to do a number of clinical hours as students in long term care facilities, but because of Covid, it doesn't look like they will have an opportunity. I got permission from the nursing director at the nursing facility where my home health patient lives to bring Ellie along on some visits.  (I didn't tell the director that Ellie was my daughter, just that she was a CNA student looking for some clinical hours.  Oops......) 

Yesterday I made a visit to my patient and brought Ellie along in her cute red scrubs.  She was so great.  She asked my patient's wife if she could practice taking her blood pressure and the wife was more than happy to allow her.  My poor patient and his wife are so lonely - they haven't been able to leave their facility in six months and aren't allowed to get visitors either.  I think if the devil arrived at their front door they would welcome him in.  Ellie had a great bedside manner and seemed confident, even though later she said that she was nervous.  I think we have a future nurse on our hands!!!

AND this is Mittens.  Mom made me a braided rug in SUU colors, which I put under my desk at work to keep my feet warm.  Another nursing professor, Shane, came in and said that it looked like it needed a cat on it.  Which offended me.  Last week I got to my office and found a cat sleeping on my rug.  It actually purrs and breathes and comes with a cat carrier and brush.  Several times that day, faculty members and colleagues would come to my door to talk to me and I would catch them staring quizzically at Mittens - and then they wouldn't say anything!  They would just assume that it was a decoration and I have a thing for cats!  I had to take it home and give it to Josh.  It was tarnishing my reputation as a serious faculty member.  Josh loved it.  

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Sunday thoughts

So that is me with various kids and mothers in the past few weeks.

We get to go to church today - and we get to go every week from now on!!  Yay!  This is going to be weird, it's been six months since we were at church every week.  Sacrament meeting is at 1:00 and the whole ward goes as long as we keep it under 150 people.  Sunday School, Young Womens, Relief Society, and Priesthood is still held virtually.  No Primary yet.  A couple weeks ago we were at the Tolmans having morning devotional.  We were singing a Primary song and my boys had no clue what the words were.  That made me sad.  I'm not sure how good a job we are doing teaching the gospel to our children.  I am afraid not good enough.  And I know I am an utter failure at teaching them the Primary songs.  I came home and made a playlist of children singing Primary songs to play on Sunday.  Maybe that will help a bit.

Things are going pretty well with work and school.  People ask me how things are with school and I never know if they are talking about my work school or my school school.  I need a word to call my school school because I feel awkward calling it my doctorate program or my PhD program.  Maybe I should just call it school school.   We are going to have start writing a topic of interest statement and I am not sure.  I am pretty sure I want to do something with nursing faculty but I'm  not sure what.  Yesterday I was reading and came up with the idea to do something with the importance of mentors as an individual makes the change from a nurse to a nurse faculty.  That's been pretty important in my own life.  People had a lot of influence on me as I made that transition - for the better and worse.  

Johnny Kelly

Melissa cant remember her last name

Jodi Price

Rachel Madsen

Marijeanne Carter

April Gray

Shane Yardley

Donna Lister

Donna De Silva

SheriDawn Nielsen

Kevin Tipton

Bree Rayburn

That's a nice list.  For better - or for worse, some of them - they have all guided me through this journey.  


Saturday, August 22, 2020

And so it begins.


So you would think that a nurse educator teaching nurse educators would be really careful to create a great course in Canvas.  But I guess not.  I am looking at my two courses I am starting on Monday in my PhD program, and one of them looks a little like a mess.  Plus the syllabus indicates there are a lot of assignments that do not contribute to the final grade but are only graded satisfactory/unsatisfactory.  Not to be one of THOSE students, but does that mean that I don't have to do them?  I don't think I mind being told that I am unsatisfactory, as long as I can still get an A in the course.  

Plus the syllabus says that to pass all courses, you have to get a B!  A B??!!  I thought that SUU Nursing has pretty high standards, and we say that students have to get a C!  What happened to "C's get degrees?"  

I've spend a few hours today doing some of the reading for next week and putting together my first discussion response.  It's a couple pages long, with cited references.  You can't see other students responses until you post your own, which is pretty tricky of the instructor.  I would rather see what all the other students are posting so I can get an idea of what everyone else is doing.  I'm worried that I will do way too much or not enough.  I like to stay in the middle of the pack and let the lions eat the stragglers.  

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

High School Registration


This morning Ellie and I went to register her for her junior year.  How is my little girl already a junior????  I can't think about that.  She is excited because her counselor got her signed up for CNA class first semester.  She had been told last year that she wouldn't be able to take it because she won't be 17 until December.  I got that straightened out by giving her some email addresses of higher-ups at Southwest Tech.  She emailed the nursing director and got permission.  So she is all set. Right now she is thinking that she wants to go into nursing, an idea which I am flagrantly pushing hard.  She would be a great nurse.  

Only two more years with her.  I can't think about that.  But only two more years with her.  I am going to be a basket case when she leaves.  She is so dear and good.  Such a help to me.  The house is going to be so empty when she leaves.  Plus I will be surrounded by males.  Maybe I can go with her to college.  And then to her mission.  That's a good idea!  Plus I think she would really like the companionship!  She won't have to be homesick if her mama goes with her!  Okay, this is a good plan. 

Sunday, August 16, 2020



The Browns came to visit this weekend!  Mikey and Sophie did the Fire Road with Craig yesterday.  I can't believe that Sophie, a 9-year-old, could ride a mountain bike 40 miles up and down the mountains.  While they did that, Tonya and I took the rest of the kids - except for  Ellie, she was working - to the St George Childrens Museum and had lunch in the park.  I like taking the kids to the museum when they have friends or cousins to play with, because it means I can sit on a bench and rest instead of being pulled from room to room.  

Last night Craig and I went out with Tonya and Mikey to Rustys for dinner and then came home and sat on the porch in the fading light.   That was nice.  Until Mom called and said that someone created a fraudulent check from her account and was able to cash it for $5000.00.  She is working with the fraud services from her bank to file a report and try to get her money back.  We are wondering if there is an employee from the retirement place where she lives who is doing this.  A year ago Craig and I sent her a check which she never received.  Someone else got hold of it and changed the amount to $800 and changed the name and was able to cash it.  I hate stuff like that.  Makes you feel like humanity is bad and can't be trusted.  AND WHAT KIND OF PERSON WOULD STEAL FROM A 69 YEAR OLD WOMAN?????

Saturday, August 15, 2020

Lichen It


This morning Craig left early to go ride the Fire Road, a mountain biking race they have here every summer.  I slept until 7 and then got up and went mountain biking up Lichen It, my favorite mountain biking trail around here.  I made it to the top and back down again, but my butt was sure sore by the time I got home.  I don't know how Craig goes riding for hundreds of miles at a time.  

It was quiet and peaceful and nice to ride along with nothing but my thoughts.  I was talking to Janessa a couple weeks ago about how I'm starting this PhD program, working my full-time SUU teaching job, and a part time Applegate home health job all at once.  She said something that got me thinking - "You're going to need some serious hours on the bike."  

Whenever I get busy, it seems like exercise is the first to go, followed by gospel study, then sleep.  I don't want that to happen.  I hope that I can find a balance and fit important things into a busy schedule.   Ellie is a good example to me.  She likes to be busy, and juggles a lot of responsibilities, but always remembers to do what's important.  

Friday, August 14, 2020

New Journey

 I think that this new journey might be worth documenting.  I'm about to embark on it and I'm not sure I'll ever get to the end.  If I do, I will be Dr. Suzie Campbell.  The name isn't the reason I'm doing it, but it's perhaps the biggest sign that something about me is different.  I hope to be different at the end.  I can't say exactly how.  Smarter?  Better at teaching?  Not sure.  

I start in a week and a half.  I've ordered my books and they are arriving in the mail.  I open them up and flip through them and they are full of words that I don't know.  Today one came and it had a chapter on Boolean logic.  Boolean?  What kind of word is that?  I get intimidated and I close them and put them on my desk.  They are all lined up and I try not to glance at them as I walk into the kitchen.  Better to put it off as long as possible.  

I got a birthday present for Shane and it came in the mail today.  It's a motivational poster.  He likes to post motivational crap on social media.  It's a picture of a goldfish swimming in a fishbowl, staring out at a mountain lake.  It has the word DISCOURAGEMENT printed in big letters and then under it in little letters it reads "Because nothing is stopping you from your goals except a total lack of talent and a complete failure of will."  I think it's hilarious.  When it came in the mail, the company - they call themselves Despair Inc - sent me an extra poster for free.  It has a picture of a kayaker going off a waterfall with the words BELIEVE IN YOURSELF and then under it "Because the rest of us think you're an idiot."  

I am hoping that these posters do not embody this new journey.