Friday, August 14, 2020

New Journey

 I think that this new journey might be worth documenting.  I'm about to embark on it and I'm not sure I'll ever get to the end.  If I do, I will be Dr. Suzie Campbell.  The name isn't the reason I'm doing it, but it's perhaps the biggest sign that something about me is different.  I hope to be different at the end.  I can't say exactly how.  Smarter?  Better at teaching?  Not sure.  

I start in a week and a half.  I've ordered my books and they are arriving in the mail.  I open them up and flip through them and they are full of words that I don't know.  Today one came and it had a chapter on Boolean logic.  Boolean?  What kind of word is that?  I get intimidated and I close them and put them on my desk.  They are all lined up and I try not to glance at them as I walk into the kitchen.  Better to put it off as long as possible.  

I got a birthday present for Shane and it came in the mail today.  It's a motivational poster.  He likes to post motivational crap on social media.  It's a picture of a goldfish swimming in a fishbowl, staring out at a mountain lake.  It has the word DISCOURAGEMENT printed in big letters and then under it in little letters it reads "Because nothing is stopping you from your goals except a total lack of talent and a complete failure of will."  I think it's hilarious.  When it came in the mail, the company - they call themselves Despair Inc - sent me an extra poster for free.  It has a picture of a kayaker going off a waterfall with the words BELIEVE IN YOURSELF and then under it "Because the rest of us think you're an idiot."  

I am hoping that these posters do not embody this new journey.  

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