Sunday, October 25, 2020

Day of Rest

 Sunday.  Day of Rest.  Ha.  Okay, I did get to sleep in.  That was nice.  Last night Ellie and I went to Tuacahn to see Brian Regan and we didn't get home until 10:30.  I slept in until past 8, I can't remember the last time I did that.  That felt good.

But the rest of the day, oh my laws.  I tried to log onto the Relief Society zoom meeting but the link wouldn't work so I couldn't do that.  Not my fault.  Then I went to a young women leadership meeting.  Then I went to sacrament meeting.  Then I went to Young Womens at the Browns house next door.  Then I came home and made dinner.  Then I did the dishes (Craig: Why are you doing the dishes?  Me: Because my friend is coming over to help me chart an admit and I want to do it at the table.  Craig:  Oh.)  Now I am typing this blog post and waiting for Mandy to come over and help me finish charting the home health admit I did yesterday.  Then I need to send an email to all the parents of the young women.  Then I want to write in my journal and read some of General Conference because I slept in this morning and skipped my scripture study.  

Actually, I feel like I am doing pretty good.  I have a paper due this Thursday but I've started it.  I have a 15 page paper due in six weeks that I am putting off because it doesn't interest me.  If I would just work on it a couple pages a week it would go much better. That is my usual MO of doing it but it's such a boring paper that I just put it off.  The whole class has been boring.  The Philosophical Underpinnings of Nursing.  Snore.  I have no interest in philosophy.  I keep thinking that these philosophers just needed the gospel and then all their problems would be solved.  

Here is a picture of Ellie while she was on a hike with Craig this week.  

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