Hello. Tired. I am tired. I taught for four hours this morning, from 8 until 12 in Pharmacology. Then I came home and ate a PBJ and lemon yogurt for lunch. Then I went back and taught Community Health from 1 until 5. Then I sped over to Josh's friends house to pick him up. Then I sped home to try to make my 5:00 meeting with my professor and PhD cohort. I missed the first 15 minutes because I couldn't get the audio on my phone to work and then when I got home, my laptop kept freezing. It was driving me insane. Now I am done. Except I am waiting for Mandy, the other Applegate nurse, to text and see if she wants me to come over and learn how to chart an admit. If I have to do that, it's going to take another couple hours. I am tired.
I'm working on the literature search for my topic. I'm thinking that I am going to study the characteristics of effective mentors which help nurses transition to nurse faculty members. I would type some more about it but I am tired.
I will post a picture of Ellie sleeping during conference. She gets tired sometimes too.
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