Monday, November 7, 2016

The Kiwis Are Here

The Kiwis have arrived!!  You know, the guys from New Zealand?  The guys from New Zealand that we bought our milking equipment from?  Waikato?  Ring a bell?  Come on, people.

Yes, so the barn has progressed enough (miracle) that it is time to start installing the milking equipment.  Never mind that it doesn't have walls.  Or a roof.  I guess those things are superfluous.

The Kiwis are here and they are working hard to install our extremely expensive milking equipment.  It has been so much fun seeing the barn turn into something that actually resembles a milking facility.

And the best thing has been to watch Craig get excited again.  For so long he has been so stressed and upset and despairing and worn out over the barn.  Since the Kiwis have been here, pulling out the stored equipment from the shed where it's been the past six months, it's like Craig's head is back in the game.  He's talked about the barn with something close to excitement lately.  Which is a good change.

Yay, Kiwis!!!

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