Friday, March 17, 2017

Les Miserables

Cast picure.  Brigham and Ellie are on the far right and Hyrum is in the middle. 

Hyrum and Ellie singing "At the end of the day"

Brigham as Valjean and Anya Dahle as Cosette

Les Miserables opened last night!!!  I was SO excited.  They asked me to take tickets so I missed the first five minutes, but I managed to make it into the auditorium just as Brigham was beginning his first solo, "Valjean's soliloquy".  

It was amazing.  It was truly magnificent.  I sat there sobbing, bawling my eyes out.  Brigham's transformation as Jean Valjean was just wonderful.  He was so full and anger and hate at the beginning, his eyes burning with rage, and then at the end when he died, his face was full of light and his eyes were fixed upon God.  

It was just the best high school performance I've ever seen.  Afterward, I just sat back in my seat, limp as a wrung out dishtowel.  It was just so emotional.  

I'm so so grateful that Brigham and Ellie got this experience.  I think that Brigham will remember it all his life.  I know I will.

More pictures and videos to come!!!

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