Tuesday, December 13, 2016

My CNA Students

As I type this, I am sitting out in the hall with my laptop at Preston High.  Two of my students are in my room receiving their skills test.  We have been working for this all semester and I am so nervous.  Yesterday five students were tested and four of them passed.  The one who didn't made forgot to put on gloves while she was doing perineal care.  It was so sad because she KNOWS to do that and had never made that mistake before.  And if she was in an actual clinical situation she definitely wouldn't have forgotten to glove.  It's just working with the mannequins throws you off sometimes.  

She came back this morning, though, and retested and PASSED.  So now we are five for five.  Four more to go.

I am so nervous!!!  I didn't know when I took this job that it would be like having nine more little children.  I feel so responsible for them, so exasperated when they flake off, so proud of them when they do well.

Oh, my nerves are shot.  

I wonder when they'll be done........

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