Thursday, October 13, 2016

Ellie's Cross Country

I am so proud of my girl.  She wanted to do cross country this year and I was like, "Really??"  Not that I said that out loud.  I just haven't considered our family to ever be very good runners.  Biking?  Yes.  Skiing?  Yes.  Swimming?  Yes.  Running?  NO.  I can barely run out to the mailbox and back.

She had practice all summer long and was so faithful.  After the first week she was talking about quitting and how hard it was, how she was no good, how she was the slowest..... I didn't want to discourage her, but I knew that the verdict was in and that the Campbells just were not good runners. 

She didn't quit.  She woke up early.  She reminded me about taking her to practice.  She came home and zonked out on the couch.  She took care of her own uniform.  

And she got better.  She wasn't the slowest anymore.  

Yesterday was her last meet.  Before starting, she said that she really wanted to get a medal this time. They give medals to the first twenty girls across the finish line.  Looking around at all the girls lined up, I said, "Maybe we should make your goal more about finishing within a certain time."  I thought there was no way she could get a medal.

But she did!  She came across the finish line SO FAST and got her medal!  

I am so proud of my girl.  She is a hard worker and she goes after what she wants.  She doesn't quit.

Maybe the Campbells ARE good runners. 

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