Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Graduate School Application

Well, I did it!!  I applied to graduate school!!!

This is the story.  I have been kicking around the idea of going back to school to get my masters degree in nursing education.  This would allow me to teach as a professor at a nursing program, like the one at Idaho State University in Pocatello or Utah State University in Logan.  I like my job I currently have teaching a high school CNA class but I'm just thinking about possibilities for the future.

Two weeks ago, Spencer Barzee, the Westside school superintendent, called me in and said he wanted me to think about getting my masters degree and that the district would pay for it as long as I would commit to teaching for them for five years.  I was surprised and excited!

I had been looking at Western Governors University.  Their tuition is quite low, its an online program, and you can go at your own pace.  I had my application all turned it.  Then, yesterday, my enrollment counselor called and told me that I didn't qualify.  They have this rule that you have to be currently working as an RN.  This is so you can do a research project and write a thesis about your project within your place of employment.  I had been telling them for months that I was a high school CNA teacher, and all they ever would say was "We're pretty sure that qualifies."  I found out yesterday that it doesn't.

I was disappointed but committed to starting this fall so I looked elsewhere.  The MSN (masters of science in nursing) website for ISU in Pocatello said they were still accepting applications for this fall.  I called a professor and asked if that were true and she said yes, that they had only filled six of ten spots and would welcome my application.

So I got on it.  I worked on it yesterday and today and this afternoon submitted it.  I'm excited!  I hope I get admitted!  And I think I'm crazy for even thinking about this right now!  I've got enough on my plate!  Someone stop me before it's too late!

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