Monday, April 24, 2017


Hallelujah, Craig is sleeping better!  Two weeks ago we got his back injected and this time it seems to be helping.  We had done it three times before with no success.  We started seeing a new doctor and asked him to try it, thinking that maybe he would have a different technique or something.

So he still has pain and still has to wear his brace and take his meds, but he is definitely sleeping better at night!  Up until two weeks ago, he couldn't sleep longer than a couple hours.  Then he would have to get up and walk around.  I would find him in the morning on the couch, on the floor, in another bed...  It was terrible.  He was exhausted.

I am so grateful.  I think that if he can sleep and if he can exercise, maybe there is some hope that we can get this thing healed.

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