Craig has had back pain for the past year. It started when he flew to New Zealand last February. On the way back, he sat in his seat for the 13 hour flight and didn't get out of his seat once.
I know. Dumb.
Ever since then he's had lower back pain. We've tried so many things. He sees a doctor in Logan who specializes in back pain. He had an MRI which showed a bulging disc, but he hasn't responded the the typical therapy. He's been injected four or five times, which didn't really help very much. He sees the physical therapist every two weeks. He does stretching and strengthening exercises almost every day. Chiropractor. Massage. Meds. Right now he's on two meds, Mobic and Neurontin. They actually help but both of us feel hesitant about using meds for the rest of his life. We want it HEALED!
I encouraged him to start swimming again and he said he would try it. He committed to swimming every day for a week and seeing if that helped at all. This morning he went to the pool and swam and came home complaining that there was a class going on and not enough lanes for everyone.
He's still hobbling around today in pain.
It's been so long and I am beginning to despair of it ever getting better. Sitting and riding the tractor are the absolute worst. Sundays are pretty bad because he sits all day in all his meetings.
I feel some pressure to get him feeling better before the spring work starts.
I worry about him.
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