Monday, January 23, 2017

More Snow

It's snowing.  AGAIN.  They cancelled school today.  AGAIN.  Guess how many school days we usually have cancelled during a school year because of snow?  ZERO.  Guess how many we have had so far this year?  THREE. 


Brigham didn't come down this morning and when I went up to check on him, he said that he wasn't feeling good, that he had been up in the night with diarrhea.  I told him that he should probably stay home from school today and he gratefully snuggled under the covers.  

Hee hee.

Speaking of Brigham, he got the lead in the school musical!!!  They are doing Les Mis and he is Jean Valjean!  I am so excited! I love it when my child is the star!!


This cast list was posted when I got to school on Wednesday and I saw Brigham's name at the top and got so excited.  Les Mis is such a wonderful story, such a wonderful musical and the music is so great.  I think we're going to be hearing a lot of it around the house the next couple months.

See Hyrum's name on the cast list too?  He's got a couple parts and is part of the ensemble too.

So excited!!!

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