Guess who is the ward's new Young Women President???
I was called two weeks ago and sustained on Sunday. Craig says that they've been working on a new young womens president for months and a few weeks ago it became clear that it was me. He said they were all hesitant to call me because of Craig's calling in the bishopric. They went to the temple to gain some revelation and Bishop Beutler said, while he was issuing me the call, that he didn't think he had ever had such a peaceful experience in the temple.
So yeah.
Craig also told me last night, when he got home from bishopric meeting, that when our stake president, President Waldron, found out that the wife of a bishopric counselor had been called as Young Women President, he was MAD and said that if he had been consulted before the call had been made, that he would have put a stop to it.
That makes me laugh. What a rogue bishopric we have.
So the entire organization is in place now, counselors and advisors. I have some TERRIFIC counselors and advisors, some of the most faithful women in the ward. They are going to be so great to work with and such a blessing in the girls' lives.
I'm starting to feel better about it and not so overwhelmed. Such a journey life is, you never know what's around the bend!!
"So yeah." I love it! You'll do great, Sooz. Love you. - Amber