Yesterday was Sunday. I was discouraged. To tell the truth, I think it was more depression than discouragement. The garden was a mess of weeds. I couldn't believe that only two weeks of neglect could make it look like that. And Hayes is gone to camp and Brigham and Ellie are both working quite a bit on the farm and Mom is already helping me so much so I had nobody to ask for help.
I sat on the pew waiting for sacrament meeting to start, trying not to cry. Several people wanted to ask how I was doing, including Bonnie Jones. I said I was doing fine and she said not to worry, that everything would wait for me to heal. I said yeah, except the weeds in the garden wouldn't wait. I regretted saying it as soon as it was out, because I didn't want Bonnie to think I was asking her for help. Heaven forbid I ask for help. And whether she did or not, she said that she loved me but she didn't do gardens.
So then I felt worse.
I sat in my chair last night feeling pretty bad and wondering why it was so hard to ask for help. Why can't I get on the phone and call the Relief Society and ask for help with the garden? Why do I feel like I should do it all myself? Isn't that what they are there to do? To give relief? But who would I ask? My visiting teachers, who have already brought me meals? Heather and her kids who are busy with their new house? Aneesa who has her own huge garden to weed? I didn't know who to ask.
This morning I was in my bathroom when my mom poked her head in and told me that there was a little mexican lady in my garden.
"What's she doing?" I asked.
"She's weeding."
"She's weeding???"
I had to see this for myself so I went out there and indeed there was a little mexican lady in the garden. She didn't speak much English at all but she said her name was Luce and that Wesley Beutler had sent her.
Wesley Beutler. The bishop.
I broke down as I watched her pull weeds. She already had about a third of the garden cleared and was going strong. It was beautiful. Craig and I had to leave for my doctor appointment and when we got back, the garden was free of weeds. There wasn't even piles of them, they were completely gone. It was like she had descended from heaven to weed my garden and then had ascended again when the job was done, like a angelic visitation.
I don't know how Bishop knew.
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