Saturday, May 6, 2017

Cows in the barn, and Hayes hanging from the rafters

You see that thing in the barn??? No, not Hayes, the other thing.  That's a COW.  In the BARN.  

Craig wants the cows to get used to coming in the barn.  We're still milking them in the old barn, but once they are done milking, the gates are set up such that they have to come through the new barn in order to get back to their corral.  They don't step onto the rotary, they just walk through the holding pen and then out.  They like to stop and look around and sniff the new gates.  Some of them take their time, looking at all the new sights, and some of them hurry right on out of there, before the barn boogey man can get them.  It's fun to watch them.

And the other thing is Hayes, hanging from the rafters.  He said that the wash pipe needed securing and he readily offered his rappelling services.  

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