So when I became the Young Women president six months ago, I had an inspiration that the young women should go on a high adventure experience for camp this year. No sissy camp experiences, sitting around painting our nails. No siree.
I had a bit of a time convincing the other leaders. A couple of them are a bit advanced in years, and they were concerned that they wouldn't have an opportunity to participate and interact with the girls. Which I understand. But I have just really felt that the young women needed to do something hard, something that would challenge them. Something that they could look back and feel really proud of themselves.
So with Craig's help planning the hike, and Mom's help as camp director, we planned a high adventure. The first day we would hike from Willow Flat over the mountain to St. Charles canyon where our campground was. That was about 8 miles and it was pretty difficult.
The second day we hiked from our campground up to the top of the highest peak in Franklin County and christening it Perseverance Peak. We planted our flag and left it there as a sign that we had conquered the summit. Then we hiked back to camp for a total of ten miles that day. On the way back, we lost the bishop, one young women leader, and one young women. After thirty minutes we still hadn't located them despite all our calling and whistling. One young women, Harley Carlisle, suggested we pray so we did. And then they were found safe and sound thirty minutes later.
I was so amazed at the girls. Everyone was prepared and there was minimal complaining. For the past two months we have been taking practice hikes as our mutual activities, and the girls seemed remarkably prepared for this difficult challenge. The second day was HARD. The last couple miles I was dragging. I had run out of water and I was trying to put one foot in front of the other. We were almost into camp when I heard clapping and cheering. The two young women leaders who hadn't hiked and a couple young women who weren't able to hike were waiting for us with cold watermelon slices. Oh, that was so nice.
It was a great experience. Nobody got hurt and there was minimal problems. I think it was good for everyone.